Wilson Tukon 1102/1202 Micro-Hardness Tester (tukon 1102-1202)

Wilson Tukon 1102/1202 Micro-Hardness Tester



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  • Product Code.:
    tukon 1102-1202
  • Original Code:
    tukon 1102-1202
  • Tech Support Available
  • Product Weight: 0.00

   Hours:   8:00 am to 4:30 pm CST



The Tukon 1102 & 1202 Knoop/ Vickers Series Hardness Testers offer a versatile and user friendly solution for a wide range of micro-hardness scale testing. For single scale micro-hardness testing, the Tukon 1102 Tester is equipped with a three position turret which includes one indenter position as well as a 10x and 50x objective. For more demanding applications, the Tukon 1202 Tester is equipped with a six position turret, including two indenter positions as well as a 5x, 10x and 50x long working distance objectives. Both units include USB output, eight dial selectable test forces and an innovative touch panel user interface for rapid test method handling and data collection.

Series Model Overview

The Tukon 1002-series is available in two different models. Below table shows the most distinctive differences between the two:

  Tukon 1102 Tukon 1202
Scales Vickers & Knoop
Indenter Positions 1 2
Objective Positions 2 4
Objective Type standard working distance
objective (SWD)
long working distance
objective (LWD)
Data Output USB & RS232

 Objective Selection Guide

In general the test load determines the choice of the required objective; the smaller the test load, the higher the required magnification. Below overview can be used as a guideline for your Tukon 1102/1202 objective selection.

 *Mind that small itterations for very soft, or very hard materials might be required


Additional Info

Wilson Tukon 1102/1202 Micro-Hardness Tester



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  • Labino LabinOil
  • Labino MidBeam 2.0 UV LED
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