DeFelsko PosiTector RTR 2D 3D Replica Tape Reader (POSITECTOR-RTR-3D)

    DeFelsko PosiTector RTR 2D 3D Replica Tape Reader
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    The DeFelsko PosiTector RTR 2D/3D Replica Tape Reader measures 2D and 3D parameters, like peak height, Ra, H, Rt, and more, with each measurement. The 2D/3D Replica Tape Reader is ideal for use on flat, curved, or irregular surfaces. This digital spring micrometer best measures and records surface profile parameters using Testex Press-O-Film replica tape. This gage is also weatherproof - resistant to dust, water, oil, solvent, and acid. It has selectable languages and is mils/microns switchable. For specific applications, this gage can optimize the analysis by applying short and long cutoff filters and discarding lengths. The 2D trace can be oriented between horizontal, vertical, and diagonal (XY, YX). This gage utilizes alkaline or rechargeable batteries and has a built-in charger. The PosiTector RTR 2D/3D Replica Tape Reader conforms to ASME B46, ASTM D4417, ISO 8503-5, NACE SP287, SSPC-PA 17, SSPC-SP5, SP6, SP10, SP11-87T and other standards.

    The PosiTector RTR 2D/3D is a ruggedly designed indoor/outdoor gage that can handle use in the shop or field. Its high-contrast, color LCD screen also has a backlit display that makes it perfect for applications in dimmer environments. Two styles of PosiTector gage, Standard and Advanced, are available with the RTR 2D/3D probe. Standard models can store or download up to 1000 readings per probe and Advanced models can store or download up to 250,000 readings in up to 1,000 batches and sub-batches. The Advanced Model can also show live graphing of measurement data and has Wifi and Bluetooth technology.


    • Measures peak height (HL) and common 2D/3D profile parameters such as Ra, Rz, Sq, Spd, and more
    • Apply short and long cutoff filters and discard lengths to optimize the analysis for specific applications
    • Weatherproof - resistant to dust, water, oil, solvent, and acid
    • Rugged design for indoor/outdoor use in shop and field
    • Mils/Microns switchable
    • High-contrast, color LCD screen with backlit display
    • Flip display for right-side-up viewing
    • Uses alkaline or rechargeable batteries (Charger is built-in)


    Measuring Range (H) 20 – 115 μm 0.8 – 4.5 mils
    Measuring Range (Rt) 10 – 115 μm 0.4 – 4.5 mils
    Minimum Roughness (Ra) 2 μm 0.08 mil/80 μin
    Accuracy (H) ± 5 μm ± 0.2 mil
    Accuracy (Rt)* ± (5 μm + 5%) ± (0.2 mil+ 5%)
    Accuracy (Ra)* ± (0.25 μm + 5%) ± (0.01 mil + 5%)
    Anvil Pressure 1.1 Newtons 110 grams-force
    Anvil Size Ø 6.35 mm Ø 0.25"
    Field of View 3.8 x 3.8 mm 0.149 x 0.149"
    Lateral Sampling 3.7 μm 0.145 mil
    Vertical Resolution 100 nm - 2D/3D, 10 nm - SDF 3.93 μin - 2D/3D, 0.393 μin - SDF
    Resolution 0.1 μm 0.01 mils
    Conforms to ASME B46, ASTM D4417, ISO 8503-5, NACE SP287, SSPC-PA 17, SSPC-SP5, SP6, SP10, SP11-87T and others

    * When measured using Optical Grade X-Coarse Replica Tape

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