DeFelsko PosiTector IRT Infrared Thermometer (POSITECTOR-IRT)

    DeFelsko PosiTector IRT Infrared Thermometer
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    The DeFelsko PosiTector IRT Infrared Thermometer measures surface temperature and has selectable emissivity values, from 7 preset material options to custom emissivity value set by the user. The PosiTector IRT can also be adjusted to a known temperature. A laser pointer, activated by a button, enhances the user's target accuracy. Distance to spot ratio is 5:7:1. This infrared thermometer has precision sensors providing accurate and repeatable readings, with a statistics mode that displays the average, standard deviation, number of readings, and min/max thickness while measuring. Users can also utilize a screen capture feature and save images on USB for later review. Smart Trend indicators identify rising, falling, and stable readings. A pause function is also available for users wishing to manually record their readings.

    Two body options are available, standard and advanced. Standard models can store or download up to 1000 readings per probe and Advanced models can store or download up to 250,000 readings in up to 1,000 batches and sub-batches. The Advanced Model can also show live graphing of measurement data. The PosiTector IRT has USB, WiFi, and Bluetooth connectivity for PosiSoftware, PC and Mac, and Smartphones. This thermometer is weatherproof, resistant to oil, water, dust, solvent, and acid.


    • Laser Pointer for more accurate targeting
    • Selectable emissivity values - preset, custom, and known temperature
    • 5:7:1 distance to spot ratio
    • Smart trend indicators that identify rising, falling, and stable readings
    • Reset feature restores factory settings instantly
    • Screen capture for recording and reviewing
    • Sealed USB port
    • High contrast LCD with backlit display
    • Weatherproof - resistant to water, dust, oil, solvent, and acid


    Temperature Range  -70° to 380° C
    -94° to 716° F
    Temperature Range Accuracy ±1°C + 1% (At 23° C ambient)
    Temperature Range Resolution 0.1° C
    0.1° F
    Laser Pointer Class 2 < 1mW
    Distance to Spot Ratio (D:S) 5:7:1
    Emissivity Adjustable
    Response Time < 500 μs (95% response)
    Spectral Response 2 – 14 μm
    Size 137 x 61 x 31 mm (5.4" x 2.4" x 1.1")
    Weight 140 g (4.9 oz.) without batteries
    Battery Alkaline or Rechargeable (built-in charger)

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    carousel button
    • DeFelsko PosiTector 200 Series Coating Thickness Gages
    carousel Button