DeFelsko PosiTector 200 Series Coating Thickness Gages (POSITECTOR-200)

    DeFelsko PosiTector 200 Series Coating Thickness Gages
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    DeFelsko PosiTector 200 Coating Thickness Gages are ideal for applications on non-metal substances like wood, concrete, plastic, and very thick polymers. The PosiTector is simple to use, with no calibration adjustments required for most applications. This gage utilizes ultrasound technology to provide fast, accurate readings. Two models are available, Standard and Advanced. The Advanced model can measure up to 3 layers with graphics. Standard models can store or download up to 1000 readings per probe and Advanced models can store or download up to 250,000 readings in up to 1,000 batches and sub-batches. 

    PosiTector 200 gages measure the total thickness of a coating system, with a statistics mode that displays the average, standard deviation, number of readings, and min/max thickness while measuring. Users can also utilize a screen capture feature and save images on USB for later review.  PosiTector 200 Coating Thickness Gages conform to ASTM D6132 and ISO 2808 standards.


    • Weatherproof - resistant to water, dust, oil, acid, and solvent
    • No calibration adjustments required for most applications
    • High-contrast backlit display
    • Flip display for right-side-up viewing
    • Sealed USB port
    • Screen capture for record keeping and reviewing results
    • USB, Wifi, and Bluetooth connectivity
    • Reset feature that instantly restores factory settings
    • Flashing display - ideal in loud environments


    Probes 200B 200C 200D
    Typical Applications Polymer coatings
    on wood, plastic,
    Coatings on
    fiberglass, etc.
    Thick, soft coatings such as
    polyurea, asphalitic neoprene,
    very thick polymers, etc.
    Measurement Range* 13 – 1000 µm
    0.5 – 40 mils
    50 – 3800 µm
    2 –150 mils
    50 – 7600 µm
    2 – 300 mils
    Accuracy ± (2 µm + 3% of reading)
    ± (0.1mil + 3% of reading)
    ± (20 µm + 3% of reading)
    ± (1 mil + 3% of reading)
    Minimum Layer Thickness^ 13 µm
    0.5 mil
    50 µm
    2 mils
    500 µm
    20 mils
    Size 135 x 61 x 28 mm (5.25" x 2.4" x 1.1")
    Weight 140 g (4.9 oz.) without batteries
    Conforms to ASTM D6132, ISO 2808

    * Range limits apply to polymer coatings. D probe– polyurea range is 50–5000 µm (2–200 mils).
    ^For multiple-layer applications only. Dependent on material being tested.

    Additional Info


    Instruction Manual - English, Spanish, German, French

    Package Includes