Magnaflux UV-A Black Light Meter (MF-625024)

    MagnaFlux UV-A Black Light Meter



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    • Product Code.:
    • Tech Support Available
    • Product Weight: 2.00

       Hours:   8:00 am to 4:30 pm CST


    The UV-A Digital Light Meter is a compact, rugged, easy to operate, multi-function UV Meter proven to be highly effective for measuring and calibrating UV-A light sources used in fluorescent magnetic particle and liquid penetrant NDT inspections.

    The Meter comes with a detachable remote sensor, high-contrast digital LCD display, 9V battery and protective storage case.

    The unit’s rugged, cost effective design features many of the operating advantages of more expensive UV light meters, but without the added cost or complexities of data storage and plotting features for those who do not require them.