Sherwin DP-40 Visible Dye Penetrant (DP-40)

    Sherwin DP-40 Visible Dye Penetrant
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    This product has been discontinued.

    • Product Codes:
      DP-40_1 gal
    • Tech Support Available
    • Product Weight: 10.00

       Hours:   8:00 am to 4:30 pm CST


    Use DP-40 to locate cracks, laps, pores, lack of bonding, and similar surface flaws in any insoluble, nonporous substance including both ferrous and nonferrous metals, ceramics, glass and many plastics. Referred to as the “visible dye penetrant" method or "color contrast” method of inspection. DP-40 meets MIL-1-25135 and AMS-2644 requirements.

    Special Features:

    DP-40 Dye Penetrant is especially recommended for weldment inspection. It offers the following advantages.

    1. Brings flaws info "sharper, clearer focus" with a more intense red color.
    2. Performs more reliably over a greater range of temperatures.
    3. DP-40 meets stringent low sulfur and chlorine specifications.
    4. Long lasting flaw-mark indications; less fading.
    5. Higher sensitivity, DP-40 finds more minute surface openings and enters flaws in greater volume.

    Companion Materials:

    Developers - Sherwin D-100 Non aqueous (form d)
    Sherwin D-106 Non aqueous (form d)
    equivalent Mll.·l-25135/AMS-2644 developers
    Emulsifiers - Sherwin ER-85 Lipophilic Emulsifier (Method B)
    Sherwin ER-BSA Hydrophilic Emulsifier (Method D)
    Removers - Sherwin DR-60 (Class 2)
    Sherwin DR-62 (Class 2) equivalent MIL-I-25135/AMS-2644 removers



    Additional Info



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