DeFelsko Coated Metal Plate Sets, Ferrous and Nonferrous (COATED-PLATES)

    DeFelsko Coated Metal Plate Sets, Ferrous and Nonferrous
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    DeFelsko Coated Metal Plate Sets are coating thickness standards for verifying the accuracy and operation of various DeFelsko gages. These Plate Sets are an important part in fulfilling ISO/QS-9000 and in-house quality control requirements. Choices in substrate include Epoxy on Steel (Ferrous) and Epoxy on Aluminum (Nonferrous). The four plates within each set are of varying approximate thicknesses based on the gage and probes they are intended for. 

    All DeFelsko Coating Thickness Standards have measured values traceable to a National Metrology Institution. These Metal Plate Sets are ideal for use in the calibration lab, factory floor, and in the field. Plates are mounted in a protective binder to protect against damage.

    S1 (STDS1)

    • PosiTector 6000 F, FS, FRS, FN, FNS, FNRS, FXS*, FNDS
    • PosiTest F & FM
    S2 (STDS2)
    • PosiTector 6000 F0S, F45S, F90S, F90ES
    • PosiTest DFT Ferrous & Combo
    S3 (STDS3)
    • PosiTest G & GM
    • PosiPen A, B & C
    S4 (STDS4)
    • PosiTector 6000 FXS*
    A1 (SDTA1)
    • PosiTector 6000 N, NS, NRS, FN, FNS, FNRS, FNDS
    A2 (STDA2)
    • PosiTector 6000 NAS, N0S, N45S, N90S
    • PosiTest DFT Combo
    A3 (STDA3)
    • PosiTector 100B, 200, 200B

    *Must be with a range of 0-1500 um (0-60 mils)


    • Verifies accuracy and operation of Type 1 (mechanical) and Type 2 (electronic) magnetic, eddy-current, or ultrasonic coating thickness gage
    • Ideal for use in the calibration lab, factory floor, or in the field
    • Standards consist of 4 steel or aluminum substrate plates in a protective binder
    • Certified and labeled in metric and imperial units
    • Coated Metal Plates are individually serialized for traceability to PTB


    Model Ideal for Approximate Thickness Coating/Substrate Accuracy

    PosiTest F & FM

    PosiTector 6000 F, FS, FRS,

    Plate 1: 0
    Plate 2: 75 μm 3 mils
    Plate 3: 250 μm 10 mils
    Plate 4: 1500 μm 60 mils
    Epoxy on Steel

    ± 0.43 μm
    ± 0.017 mil


    PosiTector 6000 F0S, F45S, F90S, F90ES

    PosiTest DFT Ferrous & Combo

    Plate 1: 0
    Plate 2: 75 μm 3 mils
    Plate 3: 250 μm 10 mils
    Plate 4: 1000 μm 40 mils

    PosiTest G & GM

    PosiPen A, B & C

    Plate 1: 0
    Plate 2: 15 μm 0.6 mils
    Plate 3: 40 μm 1.6 mils
    Plate 4: 100 μm 4 mils

    PosiTector 6000 FXS*

    Plate 1: 0
    Plate 2: 75 μm 3 mils
    Plate 3: 1000 μm 40 mils
    Plate 4: 1900 μm 75 mils
    A1 PosiTector 6000 N, NS, NRS,
    Plate 1: 0
    Plate 2: 75 μm 3 mils
    Plate 3: 250 μm 10 mils
    Plate 4: 1500 μm 60 mils
    Epoxy on Aluminum
       ± 0.43 μm
       ± 0.017 mil

    PosiTector 6000 NAS, N0S, N45S, N90S

    PosiTest DFT Combo

    Plate 1: 0
    Plate 2: 75 μm 3 mils
    Plate 3: 250 μm 10 mils
    Plate 4: 500 μm 20 mils
    A3 PosiTector 100B, 200, 200B Plate 1: 75 μm 3 mils
    Plate 2: 125 μm 5 mils
    Plate 3: 250 μm 10 mils
    Plate 4: 500 μm 20 mils

    *PosiTector FXS probes with a range of 0-1500 um (0-60 mils) and Serial Numbers ‍
    All certified standards are supplied with a Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST or PTB.
    Plate Diameter: 38 mm (1.5") Measurement Diameter: 25 mm (1")

    Package Includes



    carousel button
    • DeFelsko PosiTector BHI Test Disks with Plates
    • DeFelsko PosiTector SHD Test Blocks
    • DeFelsko PosiTector SHD Test Stands
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