Chemetall Britemor 768 Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant (BRITEMOR768)

    Chemetall Britemor 768 Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant



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    • Product Codes:
    • Tech Support Available
    • Product Weight: 50.00

       Hours:   8:00 am to 4:30 pm CST


    General Appearance
    Britemor 768 is a clear, mobile, yellow-green liquid in daylight and appears brilliant yellow under UVA light of 365 nm peak wavelength (black light).

    General Composition
    Britemor 768 is a stable solution of hydrocarbons, esters and fluorescent dyes.  It contains no added sulphur, halogen or inorganic compounds and is essentially ash free on ignition.

    Britemor 768 contains no mercury, and no mercury-bearing equipment is used in   its manufacture.

    Britemor 768 is free from alkyl phenol ethoxylates (A.P.E.’s) including octyl and nonyl phenol ethoxylates (O.P.E.’s and N.P.E.’s). It is also free from phthalates, aromatic phosphate esters, diglycol esters and other suspected carcinogens, neurotoxins and endocrine disruptors.

    Britemor 768 is an entirely new product. It is not compatible with existing  level  4  post emulsifiable penetrants such as Britemor 668A. Combining Britemor 768  with  any  other penetrant will result in the mixture no longer conforming to specifications and approvals.

    Temperature Stability
    Britemor 768 remains stable without precipitation or separation and has good resistance to heat fade if subjected to prolonged or excessively high temperatures during processing.