DMS Go Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge A-Scan & Data Recorder (022-510-176)

    GE DMS Go Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge with A-Scan and Data Recorder



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    The DMS Go is able to measure thickness reliably with its combination of intuitive user interface, data management and accurate measuring.

    The DMS Go has the ability to measure corrosion through paint coatings thanks to the patented “TopCOAT” method where the coating and base can be measured and displayed at the same time. This device is also Auto-V supported, meaning there are no additional calibrations needed when measuring corrosion without a coating.

    The DMS Go has a high upgradeability including the previously mentioned TopCOAT and Auto-V features as well as flow detector features, data recorder and software.

    The high performance of this device is due to its ability to have multiple calibration models such as 2-point calibration, 1-point calibration with manual on-block zeroing, 1-point calibration with auto on-block zeroing and 1-point calibration with user zeroing.

    The DMS Go also has multiple measurement modes including A-Scan, thickness, B-Scan, Min/Max and differential measuring.

    The built in temperature compensation gives precise measurements up to 540 degrees Celsius or 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. It also can support almost any probe thanks to the custom probe setup feature.


    2 IN STOCK

    The DMS Go from GE's Inspection Technologies business is a high-end thickness gauge which combines an innovative, easy-to-use user interface, powerful data management and an ability to provide accurate, reliable and comprehensive thickness inspection data. It is ideally suited for a wide range of applications including measuring for corrosion in the oil and gas sector and in power generation.

    The DMS Go uses the same operating platform as the USM Go portable flaw detector. By means of a simple software purchase your DMS Go can benefit from all the USM Go functionalities and perform advanced flaw detections

    DMS Go Series/Upgradeability

    The DMS Go can be upgraded to include numerous features/functions. Features/functions can also be added at a later time. See DMS Go Series chart below.

    DMS Go Series Thickness Gauge Overivew


    TOPCOAT Technology Supported


    With the patented “TopCOAT“ method we have been able to optimize the corrosion measurement through paint coatings: this method makes it possible to measure materials showing heavy corrosion on backwall surfaces, and even the slightest pitting can be detected thanks to a high gain. The paint coating and base metal are measured in one measurement process, and displayed simultaneously.

    Auto-V Supported

    If your components are uncoated, you have the Auto-V feature at your disposal. It is a clearly simplified version of the conventional thickness measurement and, as such, a unique method. Auto-V even allows you to measure the thickness of components with unknown material velocity. This enables you to measure different uncoated materials without any additional calibration – and without any calibration standards. It's not necessary to know the material velocity to be able to measure – this previous disadvantage no longer exists.

    Robust Construction

    Robust Constructed Thickness Gage

    • A robust moulded rubber casing to withstand the harshest environments and significantly reduce downtime.
    • IP 67 immersion test (P67 / IEC529 - dust proof / dripping water proof as per IEC 529 specification for IP67 classification)
    • Drop test (514.5 Procedure II; 516.5 Procedure IV)
    • Vibration test (Mil-Std-810F; 514.5-5 Procedure I, Annex C


    The DMS Go ultrasonic thickness gauge has been ergonomically designed to provide an instrument which is light, small and easy to use in the harshest inspection environments.

    • Minimized housing size when used in difficult-to-access areas
    • Optimized display size to improve readability and echo separation
    • One hand operation for security
    • Light weight (870 g/1.9 lb)
    • Integrated stand
    • Can be used with regular camera and industrial tripods
    • Main controls are under the thumb: gain, free defined keys
    • A “Flip” function allows the instrument to be used equally well by left-handed and right-handed people.

    High Performance Thickness Measurement

    • High measurement stability and reliability resulting from zero crossing measurement technique.
    • Automatic gain control for excellent repeatability and corrosion monitoring
    • Built-in temperature compensation algorithm allows accurate measurement up to 540°C (1000°F).
    • Multiple Calibration and Zeroing modes for repeatable accuracy, including:
      • 2-point calibration
      • 1-point calibration with Manual on-block zeroing
      • 1-point calibration with Auto zeroing for every measurement (coupled)
      • 1-point calibration with User zeroing in the air (uncoupled)
    • Multiple measurement modes, for every application, including:
      • A-Scan
      • Thickness
      • B-Scan
      • Min /Max
      • Differential
    • Support of several standard probes and the capability to support virtually any probe using the custom probe setup feature
    • Ability to operate in harsh environments with IP67 sealing

    High Capacity Data Recorder and Compatibility with Powerful Data Management Systems

    The DMS Go offers powerful data recording and data management capability to meet the most demanding of thickness gauging and corrosion inspections. Important features include:

    • Powerful on-board data recorder has capacity of hundreds of thousands readings and permits the storage of A-scan, B-scan and MicroGRID attachments to thickness readings.
    • Data can be organized using pre-set (linear, grid, boiler), custom (custom linear, custom grid) or advanced (3D and 4D in UltraMATE) files structures.
    • Data transfer is via industry standard removable SD card up to 16 GB.
    • A USB port is included to allow instrument to PC connection if preferred – no driver needed, works with all versions of Windows.
    • Export in different file formats (xls, html, dat, csv, pdf…) to allow easy integration with user data management softwares and user quality control systems.
    • Compatible with UltraMATE and UltraMATE lite data management programs to allow for comprehensive analysis and documentation of data.
    • The data recorder files can be interfaced with other 3rd party software programs using a GEsoftware development kit, supplied on CD.

    Intelligent Storing and Managing

    The DMS 2's on-board Data Recorder makes all the options for up-to-date documentation and modern data management available to you:

    • Memory capacity for 150,000 readings and 1,100 A- or B-scans (extendable)
    • Flexible adaptation to the measurement task by eight different file structures – according to the arrangement of measuring points most often encountered.
    • Subsequent insertion/deletion of readings within a file
    • Storage of additional information for each measurement location: probe, material velocity, date, time, calibration, etc.
    • Comment line with 64 characters accessible at any time.
    • Microgrid: You can insert up to 81 readings, in 2 x 2 to 9 x 9 grids, per measurement point at any time during the test using this function. By doing this, an analysis can be made in the direct vicinity of a critical measurement point.



    A standard USB connection to allow data to be downloaded from the flaw detector for further analysis or storage. The instrument is standard delivered with a 2 GB SD memory card (can accommodate up to 16GB card size).

    Reports are produced in jpeg or bmp format so there is no need for special reading software.

    A simple on-board data logger to collect and save thickness measurements.


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