MagnaFlux Daraclean 200 Heavy Duty Industrial Cleaner (01-6020)

    MagnaFlux Daraclean 200 Heavy Duty Industrial Cleaner



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    • Product Codes:
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    • Product Weight: 48.00

       Hours:   8:00 am to 4:30 pm CST


    Daraclean® 200 is a low-foaming, all-purpose alkaline cleaning solution formulated with a blend of surfactants, emulsifiers, and corrosion inhibitors.

    Designed to be used with immersion, spray, and ultrasonic applications, Daraclean® 200 is an excellent cleaner for use on a broad spectrum of soils, is safe to use with most metals and is non-aggressive towards brass, copper, and titanium alloys.

    Daraclean® 200 has been proven effective at removing machine oils, lube oils, cutting fluids, buffing compounds, and even tough, carbonized soils. Using aggressive alkaline chemistry, heavy petroleum-based oils and carbonized soils are broken down and pulled free from part surfaces.

    Easy to use and maintain, Daraclean® 200 is Clean Air Certified to SCAQMD requirements.

    Cleaner Type: Heavy Duty Caustic Cleaner